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We played Three Cheers for Master last night…finally. I bought it when it came out and we’d never had the time/place/frame of mind to get into a game. FINALLY, last night we were able to make it happen and we had a lot of fun. I definitely see needing expansions and I think this is something we could play with the family. The scoring seems unnecessarily complicated but I just let someone else who can add and multiply in their head do all that.

The weakest part of this game is the instruction book. I’m no dummy. Jack is the smartest guy I know and he couldn’t understand how to play after reading through it several times. Point of fact, no one I handed the manual to understood how to play after reading it. (This is one reason it took us so long to get a game together.) We are enthusiastic but inexperienced table toppers. Luckily, thankfully, and finally Atlas made a play through video and everything made so much more sense.

Tiny House Family gives it

Three Cheers for Master 1.0 from Therese Sherman on Vimeo.