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It’s my birthday today and I celebrated by doing exactly what I wanted.
  1. Installed CentOS 7 in Virtual Box.
  2. Installed MySQL on it.
  3. Crash course in VM networking.
  4. Exploding course in ssh keys and all the ways things can go wrong.
  5. Finally connected to the guest os from the host. Now it can go headless.
  6. Setup a SQL table with the cli.
  7. Realized I need a little education in database design.
  8. Poked around in django for a little bit and realized I’m too tired.
  9. Decided to write a post about my efforts and how 4am is slowly paying off.

Books I’m Going To Buy

  • A Mind For Numbers
  • Designing Data-Intensive Applications
  • CSS Secrets (I have wanted this book for years)
All my novel “reading” is now audio books during my commute. Makes the miles go by faster.