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Wow. I should really get back on my ADHD medication or take some ginko biloba or something.


Dub, the 10 year old doberman, is dying. Congestive heart failure. Which sucks so much because he’s probably not going to randomly drop dead. He’ll hang on for every last head scratchy and bowl of food until we have to decide that he’s had enough. I can’t even think about it.


This kid amazes me so much. He’s so delightful and sweet. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of the little boy he’s going to be…of the teenager…of the man. He’s going to be wonderful. World: You are welcome.

I haven’t been home much this week and he’s just taken off as far as his mobility and his fearlessness. He’s climbing on the fireplace, the ottoman, the chairs, the dog, the home theater…you name it, he’s tried to scale it.

One of our last methods of containment was the baby walker. He’s now figured out how to climb out of it. All we have left is the high chair and the crib. There are certain expectations for those areas so I’m hesitant to overuse them even if it does earn me 3 seconds of peace.


he and i are going to have to get together and make an office happen. I really want to be able to record a few projects. We’ve been in the house 1 year and things are still very…chaotic. We have a toddler now so I see things staying “interesting.”

tiny house

The tiny house is doing well. We were worried all the water from the front of the house was because rain was somehow going under the shingles or something. Turns out, the downspout was stuffed up. Fearless Jack got up on the ladder and took care of it. He also took care of an ENORMOUS wasp nest in our utility shed and another in the lattice of our back porch. I haven’t been brave enough to go check it out but hot damn. Love that man for taking care of that.



ori is doing well. I think she has fleas so I need to get that sorted out soon. With her liver issues she shouldn’t have a ton of chemicals so it’s tricky. She also needs a haircut.


So we bought a new-to-us car for hauling Costco orders, Jasper, gig gear, and just whatever we need. 2005 Dodge Magnum. I’m loving it. I really enjoy having a hatch back and getting Jasper in and out of it is so much easier. It has lights in the back…which I am unreasonably excited over because the Cobalt doesn’t have a dome light. It has 77k miles on it and a few cosmetic booboos to go with it but I am smitten. I did buy the warranty the credit union offered, too. Just in case.


I have plans for this thing. I promise. Soon.