Gift Basket Guide: First Time Homeowner

Buying a home is such an exciting time! Next to having a child, it can also be one of the most expensive times of your life, too. First time homeowners, especially, may be in for a bit of a shock. If there's a brand new homeowner in your life and you need ideas for a...

happy birthday to me

It's my birthday today and I celebrated by doing exactly what I wanted. Installed CentOS 7 in Virtual Box. Installed MySQL on it. Crash course in VM networking. Exploding course in ssh keys and all the ways things can go wrong. Finally connected to the...

The 4am Experiment

I can't tell you how many productivity books I've read and their main booster was to wake up at 5am. Yeah? Well I wake up at 5am so I have time to leave the house at 6 so I can get to work by 7. If you fight for your excuses you get to keep them so I'm going to try...

family culture

hygge. lagom. comfy. sisu. ubuntu. meraki. ikigai. cwtch. ramé. grit. I've been thinking a lot lately about family culture. I was talking to someone and I kind of blurted out that, growing up, my family didn't have a culture that valued education. Meaning, we're not...

Vim cheat sheet

With my ADHD remembering these things comes and goes, especially if I'm not using it every day. ysst - surround on current line, ignore whitespace, no indent y_ou s_surround(ing) s_selection t_ag ySS - surround, put surrounded text on own line, indent viwSt v_isual...