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the good
- oui yogurt
- tomato soup
- spacemacs
- set up a payoff plan for Credit Card #1 at the credit union
the not so great
- didn’t get a gym membership yet
- little dragons got canceled because of the snow
- it snowed
- didn’t start on any new books. need to clear out goodreads and start a fresh queue.
the bad
- the GOP holding CHIP hostage in exchange for DACA repeal
- the government is shut down
- i need a passport
coming up next week
- little dragons rescheduled
- moving my new imac to a desk
- gym membership
- new gym clothes (lume pants) (These kinds of posts are not the best but I need to get back into the habit of writing and the only way to do that is to write. Write anything, everything. all the writing, all the time. Sorry. Maybe they’ll turn into something good!)